To Contact me please email [email protected]
Twitter @sewwhite
Instagram @sewwhite
Facebook www.facebook.com/sewwhite
Pinterest www.pinterest.com/sisleywhite
If you like my blog and would like me to review a product, local event in Wimbledon, advertise or come up with new recipes using your products please get in touch with me [email protected]
I love receiving enquiries from companies, the press, PR companies, publishers or anyone who wants to talk. I am passionate about coming with new recipes and evolving older ones to enhance flavours and them more exciting.
Guest posts and sponsored posts for my blog are welcome as long as the topic fits in with blog and the previous posts I have written.
Most of the items I review and use I have bought myself but on occasion, I am given an item to review from a lovely company in exchange for an honest review.
Whilst I try to ensure my recipes are clear and accurate to the best of my abilities, I cannot be held responsible for what happens in your kitchen and home environment. This includes but is not limited to accidents requiring medical attention and allergic reactions. So please ensure that if you have any allergies you take the necessary precautions. Please operate kitchen equipment, appliances and tools in a safe manner and use common sense.
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